The Moonshot, An Overview
The Moonshot is all about pushing your own potential to deliver values to mankind that wouldn't exist if it wasn't for you.
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Gain depth and understanding to overcome your biggest challenges in the way to achieving your moonshot. The Moonshot is all about committing to the biggest version of your dream business you can concieve right now.
- Map out your ultimate vision
- Breakdown the major problem your solving
- Identify Challenges & Obstacles
- Strategize Propose Solutions
Each phase of your Masterplan will be connected to one or several of the identifed challenges and proposed solutions.
The Moonshot system helps you break down a very large complex problem into challenges and solutions that you can start working on and build a business around today.
Challenge yourself to push the boundries of your own potential. This is your life. Make it a mission. Build your moonshot! This is where it all begins. Explore your potential and clarify your vision.